MAISON ET OBJET January 23-27, 2015.

At the "Maison et Objet" ROWOLD will present their new collection, together with Cellarrich in hall 6 - booth H31. The fair takes place from Friday 23 to Tuesday, January 27th, 2014,...
Januar 18, 2015 — Ellis Rowold

hope to see you there?

At the "Maison et Objet" ROWOLD will present their new collection, together with Cellarrich in hall 6 - booth H27.The fair takes place from Friday 5 to Tuesday, September 9th,...
August 26, 2014 — Ellis Rowold
Stichworte: fair paris trade show

showUP is the new trade show for Home & Gift

VISITING SHOWUP   showUP is the new trade show for Home & Gift. The next edition will take place on 24 and 25 August in the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. 100...
August 19, 2014 — Ellis Rowold
Stichworte: dutch fair trade show

ROWOLD welcomes you at showUP trade show

Op zondag 2 en maandag 3 februari 2014 vindt u ROWOLD op de Nederlandse beurs in Amsterdam-Noord. U bent van harte welkom in onze stand: nr. 10Openingstijden:Zondag: 10.00-18.00Maandag: 10.00-18.00Locatie: De...
Januar 25, 2014 — Ellis Rowold
Stichworte: dutch fair trade show