#marchmeetthemaker challenge, day 2

#marchmeetthemaker challenge, day 2

14 days too late, I missed the start of  March Meet The Maker Instagram Challenge. So I'll try to catch up.Day 2 photo - 'favourite to make'#marchmeetthemaker. I couldn't choose...
15 maart 2017 — Ellis Rowold
#marchmeetthemaker challenge, day 1

#marchmeetthemaker challenge, day 1

14 days too late, I missed the start of  March Meet The Maker Instagram Challenge. So I try to catch up! Day 1 photo - 'Me'I am Ellis…the face behind #studiorowold....
15 maart 2017 — Ellis Rowold
wool felt tote Sendai

wool felt tote Sendai

Sendai is perfect for carrying everything in your everyday life, you can carry your books, magazines, laptop & .... Sendai is made from the finest taupe mêlee 3mm thick wool...
Ice blue bag Sendai

Ice blue bag Sendai

Our bag Sendai is sculpted with the finest 3mm thick German wool felt. And using this thickness sculpts the bag into a handsome classic shape that is beyond fashion. For...
Thank you!

Thank you!

Cellarrich thank you for the opportunity, to pop up. ZOdIEZiJN thanx for all the effort.   
19 mei 2015 — Ellis Rowold


 Locatie: Cellarrich, Haarlemmerdijk 98, 1013 JG, Amsterdam Openingstijden van de Pop Up Shop ROWOLD is: Zaterdag 16 mei van 11.00 uur tot 17.30 uur.  Please be welcome and bring a...
12 mei 2015 — Ellis Rowold

KAATJE aan de rein

  we are happy to present our new selling point in The Hague ROWOLD is nu ook te koop in Den Haag bij KAATJE aan de rein
02 april 2015 — Ellis Rowold

vintage iron lady

  sewing on our vintage zigzag Singer sewing machine, here we are making a bag of taupe wool felt and naturel tanned leather.    
12 maart 2015 — Ellis Rowold

MAISON ET OBJET January 23-27, 2015.

At the "Maison et Objet" ROWOLD will present their new collection, together with Cellarrich in hall 6 - booth H31. The fair takes place from Friday 23 to Tuesday, January 27th, 2014,...
18 januari 2015 — Ellis Rowold

hope to see you there?

At the "Maison et Objet" ROWOLD will present their new collection, together with Cellarrich in hall 6 - booth H27.The fair takes place from Friday 5 to Tuesday, September 9th,...
26 augustus 2014 — Ellis Rowold

showUP is the new trade show for Home & Gift

VISITING SHOWUP   showUP is the new trade show for Home & Gift. The next edition will take place on 24 and 25 August in the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. 100...
19 augustus 2014 — Ellis Rowold

ROWOLD welcomes you at showUP trade show

Op zondag 2 en maandag 3 februari 2014 vindt u ROWOLD op de Nederlandse beurs in Amsterdam-Noord. U bent van harte welkom in onze stand: nr. 10Openingstijden:Zondag: 10.00-18.00Maandag: 10.00-18.00Locatie: De...
25 januari 2014 — Ellis Rowold