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spectacle case | Richmond
€24.50 EUR
ice bluetaupe meleeredblackgrey meleecobaltanthracite+ 4 more
felt bucket bag | Umea
€185.00 EUR Pre-order
taupe meleegrey meleecobaltice blue+ 1 more
Felt card sleeve | Malia
€22.50 EUR
taupe meleeblackredanthracitegrey meleeice bluecobalt+ 4 more
wool felt key lanyard | Osaka
€17.50 EUR
redblackgrey meleepinkice bluetaupe meleevioletanthraciteblueorangegreen+ 8 more
key clip felt | Kyoto
€17.25 EUR
ice blueredblackgrey meleegreentaupe meleevioletanthraciteorangebluewhite meleecobaltpink+ 10 more
felt key fob | Nagoya
€17.00 EUR
ice blueredwhite meleeblacktaupe meleeanthracitegrey meleeblueorangegreenvioletpink+ 9 more
spectacle case | Richmond
€24.50 EUR
anthraciteredblueblackviolettaupe meleegrey meleegreenorangeice bluecobalt+ 8 more
felt pen case | Kula
€34.90 EUR
grey meleeredanthraciteblacktaupe melee+ 2 more
wool felt zipper pouch | Torba | wol rits etui
€31.00 EUR
taupe meleeice blueanthracitegrey meleeblackredcobalt+ 4 more
key wallet | Chiswick
€30.00 EUR
redblueblackvioletgreenorangetaupe meleegrey meleeanthracite+ 6 more
North felt bowl S - vilt schaal S
€24.50 EUR
blackredvioletgreengrey meleetaupe meleeorangeblue+ 6 more
North felt bowl M - vilt schaal M
€41.00 EUR
blackredvioletgreengrey meleetaupe meleeorangeanthraciteblue+ 6 more

 Explore the exquisite studio Rowold wool felt collection featuring keycords, card sleeves, key fobs, tote bags, and zipper pouches in various colors.